211 First Call for Help

We can help you with your needs!

What is 211?

211 is a vital service leveraged by millions of people across North America. Every day, clients contact 211 to access free and confidential crisis and emergency counseling, disaster assistance, food, health care and insurance assistance, stable housing and utilities payment assistance, employment services, veterans services and childcare and family services.

What does 211 do?

No matter the situation, the specialists at 211 listen, identify underlying problems, and connect people in need with resources and services in their community that improve their lives. 

Why does 211 matter?

211 does more than "patch people through" to agencies. Instead, 211 specialists are trained to identify root causes of a client's problem - and connect them with a wide range of available resources that meet all the underlying needs, not just the one that prompted the call, text or email. 

No other program has its "finger on the pulse" of America's greatest needs. It's a vital part of United Way's efforts to build stronger communities and fight for the health, education and financial stability of every person in every community. 211 makes the social services ecosystem/network more efficient by ensuring people in need are connected to agencies that can help.

No matter the situation, the specialists at 211 listen, identify underlying problems, and connect people in need with resources and services in their community that improve their lives. 

How can you access 211?

If you or someone you know needs assistance, please reach out through calling, texting, chatting, or emailing.

What all should I call 211 for?

  • Emergency shelters

  • Food distribution centers

  • Shelter & federal assistance

  • Grief counseling

  • Helping locate family members

  • Clean-up crews

  • Potable water, ice, food, etc.

  • Elder services

  • Youth and child care issues

  • Emergency financial assistance 

  • And more!